maandag 14 maart 2011

The best places in NYC 2011

Where to go, where to stay, where to eat, where to drink and where to party in New York City 2011 according to New York Magazine. A great website to also follow all the fashion news - love their coverage of the New York Fashion Week (including gossip and party pictures). The boutique hotel, 60 Thompson is my own personal pick :)

The best doughnuts
“On the brunch menu at Terroir Tribeca we found our ideal doughnut. It’s a larger version of the cider-glazed sinker popularized at sister restaurant Hearth, fried to order, tender and fragrant, transcendent in its humble doughnuttiness. And, just as important in discussions of this nature, the coffee is killer.”
Terroir Tribeca (24 Harrison St., nr. Greenwich St.; 212-625-9463)

The best Roof Top Bar
Le Bain, the best afterparties during NY fashion week where hosted here!
Aside from the pleasurable combination of inflatable water beds (designed to look like diaphragms), corded chairs, and AstroTurf, the real achievement of André Saraiva’s Le Bain is that it lets you forget you’re at the Standard. Which is to say, it’s an attitude-free aerie perched on a bedrock of pretension. The grungier of the hotel’s two nightclubs (it shares the eighteenth floor with the former Boom Boom Room, now called Top of the Standard), Le Bain combines perhaps the city’s most debauched wading pool with a 2,200-square-foot terrace that’s positively placid by comparison.
Le Bain,The Standard, 444 W. 13th St., at Washington St.; 212-645-4646

The best place to eat in Chinatown
A-Wah, for what one imagines may have been considered a mistake the first time someone discovered it at the bottom of the pot, burnt rice sure has come a long way. Korean bibimbap enthusiasts go crazy for it, paella aficionados consider it the whole point of the endeavor, and fans of the Hong Kong comfort food known as bo zai fan (or “clay pot rice”) swear by the stuff. Chinatown bo zai fan specialist A-Wah offers seventeen variously topped versions (no. 61, with pungent Chinese sausage, minced pork patties, and savory shards of roast pork, is the way to go). The clay pots take a good fifteen minutes to cook, and arrive piping hot. If you’ve never been, your waiter will coach you in the proper technique for maximizing the dish’s superb contrasts of texture and flavor: Drizzle the thickish soy sauce over the top, stir, and tuck into the soft grains from the center while the crust forms on the pot’s perimeter. You won’t need any encouragement to start scraping the vessel and excavating the caramelized crispy bits as they take shape.
Also check out the review by the New York Times.
A-Wah, 5 Catherine Street, nr. E. Broadway 212-925-8308

The best Boutique Hotel
The bar and restaurant of 60 Thompson are reason alone to stay here. The front entrance of this contemporary 100-roomed boutique hotel in SoHo glows with numerous shelves of backlit glass jars of orchids. I particularly like its rooftop bar, A60,  so tempting to end there the night with one last drink and then roll to your bed ;) Please check the review by Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Ps. their favourite rooms: A Deluxe King with a hardwood floor is especially charming. (Rooms ending in '3' have hardwood floor, from 33 on the third floor, right up to Room 123.) The higher you go, the better the view, of course: eighth/ninth up have unrestricted city views.
60 Thompson, 60 Thompson Street, New York, 10012

The best Lethal Drink
Painkiller, invented in Hollywood by Donn the Beachcomber in 1934, the Zombie has made a monstrous comeback as the strongest of the self-dubbed “Strong” drinks at Lower East Side tiki bar Painkiller. The $16 mix of Puerto Rican and Jamaican rums, 151 Demerara, and dustings of Pernod’s fairy-green absinthe packs in four ounces of booze—or what you’ll find in three daiquiris. Even co-owner Giuseppe Gonzalez, who weighs around 230 pounds and has the alcohol tolerance of a professional barman, feels tipsy after one glass. He limits himself, and others who order it, to a single round.
Painkiller, 49 Essex St., nr. Grand St.; 212-777-8454

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